Hi everyone, I’m Arun and I have recently started as a Digital Marketing Assistant here at Erudite. I will be coordinating with other team members to undertake promotional activities, mainly consisting of managing a range of social media accounts for various companies as well as running email marketing campaigns and writing blogs to list a few responsibilities.
I graduated from Heriot Watt University in 2021 with a first class honours degree in International Business Management. As part of my degree, I spent a year abroad in Paris, which was something I never imagined doing but it was one of the best experiences of my life, sadly an experience that came to an end early due to the global pandemic. That is my excuse as to why I’m not fluent in french, I just didn’t have the time, not that i spoke a lot of french when I was there anyway. I mean, it’s my own fault really.
It completely opened my eyes to the world of luxury marketing and the scale of marketing from a global perspective. I have always had a keen interest in marketing from the moment I had my first lecture on marketing perspectives and since then, it has always been something that I imagined myself doing. Now, the rest is history!!
One of the coolest things to witness in Paris was the hype around fashion week. Although I am not hugely into fashion, seeing the city during that week was fascinating. There was a certain buzz around the city and everywhere you went, there was something going on. Not only that but it was normal to come across celebrities who were visiting the city for fashion week, which was very surreal but strange at the same time because it is just not the norm in somewhere like Belfast or Edinburgh, so it felt like a completely different world to me.
I remember going into the centre of Paris one day with my friend for lunch and we were just walking along when we spotted a bunch of people and paparazzi outside some hotel. Then, out of nowhere, Tyga, a rapper who I am not fond of to be honest, appeared as well as Gigi Hadid and Charlie puth.
However, that week, I was lucky enough to meet Cheryl Cole, which was probably the highlight of my time in Paris to be honest. Still to this day, it is something I am not over and I will probably not get over. Here is a photo from the Daily Mail for the whole world to see me being blinded by the paparazzi; clearly I was born for this industry.
Since I have started my role as Digital Marketing Assistant here at Erudite, I have carried out a range of tasks such as designing and writing content for clients and contributing to company and industry blogs. I also was in charge of running our own TikTok for 2 weeks which was really fun and insightful. Tiktok is an app that has completely transformed and taken off in the past couple of years but it is something I have watched grow over that period. It allowed me to be as creative as possible and create video content that is engaging and ultimately a source of entertainment. I also think it can be very valuable as an app for businesses because of the potential to go viral and create a following that is leverageable for the business. I felt very much in my element when being in charge of our TikTok so much so that I have been dubbed the ‘Creative Director of TikTok’. If you know, you know.
Click the link below to see our TikTok videos.
My name is Gaigai and I'm one of the newest members to join Erudite as a videographer! Check out this video out!
I will be helping your business with content creation, whether you need a promo video or just cool looking photos, I’m your woman!
Let me help you get your creative juices flowing! But first, let me give you more info about me!
I attended the top film school in Asia, the Beijing Film Academy. I majored in Cinematography but was exposed to all areas of filmmaking! Ever since I was 16, I have always had a passion for filmmaking, I started out making silly shorts (which no one on will ever see so don’t bother asking)
6 years later I’m still going strong!
Before starting at Erudite, I was a manager at Domino's Pizza. ( if you need someone to make you a good pizza let me know 🙂 ) I had always been in the hospitality industry before I started in Erudite, while I was a freelance videographer on the side, creating short promos/videos for different businesses and schools around Northern Ireland.
Within those 6 years, I saved as much money as I could, which enabled me to upgrade my camera from a Canon 750D to my current camera now a GH5s as well as other lighting and sound equipment.
So you may be thinking, “I don’t need a video for my business, people love reading big chunks of text” or “sure they’ll be walking past my shop so they will know then”
Aye, I'm here to tell you that you’re wrong.
Now more than ever you need a strong social media presence, no matter how big or small your business is, with the current trends today, people need visual stimulation, whether it needs to be a nice photo to look at or a cool trendy pop video to draw that customer toward your business, I can guarantee you that with a strong social media presence you will see sales/clients at an all time high.
Still not convinced?
Here are 3 facts to why you need to implement video marketing.
Why tell people if you can show them?
It's the classic, show and don’t tell, people are more likely to watch a short 2-3 minute video than read a paragraph on your services. It may also co
The most effective testimonials are the ones that are videoed
People will believe words that are heard rather than letters that are typed.
Encourage future employees to apply for a job
The ability to showcase your business in the best light possible is the key that you need to attract the type of candidates that you want, it can also be used as training materials for new employees.
Top 3 videos that your business needs
I’m Scott, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve joined the digital savvy team at Erudite as a Digital Marketing Executive - I’ll be helping businesses just like yours embrace the power of digital marketing, especially on social media!
But who am I? I hope this blog post gives you a bit of an insight!
I graduated from Ulster University in 2019 with a first class honours in Marketing, and later became a Certified Digital Marketing Professional through the Digital Marketing Institute in 2021. I’ve worked in marketing across B2C (Ulster University) and B2B (Legal Island, a workplace compliance company), and gained well-rounded experience across both digital and traditional channels (At this point, every time I close my eyes all I see are email campaigns and content calendars, and I wouldn’t have it any other way).
During my studies I found out I was going to be a big brother after 20 years as an only child - Evie will be turning 5 (Primary 1) and I’ll be turning 25 this year. I sit down with her in the evenings to do her homework and she teaches me all the things I’ve since forgotten about, like digraphs (two letters combined that make the same sound, you’re welcome!). We even share the same Primary 1 teacher - Mrs McKane got a bit of a shock when she saw me standing at the school gate to pick Evie up, it’s been a while since I was in her classroom that’s for sure.
Before starting my exciting new job at Erudite, I took some time out of work to travel with a couple of friends (with no plan in place, it was more fun that way). Our first and only stop was Tenerife because Covid made it difficult to travel freely, so instead of travelling from country to country as originally planned, we travelled from Airbnb to Airbnb.
We hired a car and travelled to an eco village in Bajamar (north of the island) to visit Michael and Jasmín, where we went on a holistic healing journey. It was completely out of my comfort zone but something I was really interested in experiencing and I’m glad I did. Spirituality has become an important part of my life. This was topped off with a lovely vegan meal from the fresh produce they grow in their gardens.
You will often find me in a coffee shop or restaurant on the north coast, finding somewhere with a nice view (you should see the one from our office!), bingeing on a gripping series, scrolling the hours away on TikTok or doing something wellness related like yoga, meditation or journaling.
I’m really interested in the art of persuasion and the psychology behind clever copywriting and how it applies in the digital world, and I’m looking forward to applying this knowledge with our clients to get the results we’re looking for.
Hello everyone, I’m Catriona and I am Erudite’s newest member. I am currently completing an OCN level 4 in digital marketing with social media at the South Eastern Regional College. The course involves a work placement and that is how I was introduced to the lovely Erudite team. I am a history graduate with a passion for travelling. After graduating I spent two years living and working in Australia and a year working and travelling Asia. This has given me a wide range of work experience from being a camel tour guide in Australia to an English teacher in Vietnam. It only took a global pandemic to bring me back to the green fields of Northern Ireland. However, being at home, I have come to appreciate how great our wee country is and all the craic that it brings.
I am now ready to settle down (much to the delight of my dad) and find my calling in life. So no pressure, Owen. In my current role I will be growing and maintaining our client’s online presence, creating engaging content for their social media and doing some email marketing.
I am excited to have this opportunity to learn from the dream team at Erudite and complete my digital marketing certification. I will apply what I have learnt and share my own knowledge and skills, which may include some camel related jokes- what do you call a camel with no humps? Humphrey!
Hi everyone. I’m Aimee and I started working at Erudite about 3 weeks ago now as a Digital Marketing Executive. My job will be to create engaging social campaigns for our clients whether it be for social media purposes, email marketing campaigns or paid advertisements. I haven’t been here long, but I’ve managed to convince Owen to get a coffee machine for the office so I think I’m off to a good start already.
I graduated from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh two years ago where I studied International Business Management with Spanish. As part of my degree, I was able to go to a city in Spain called Bilbao for a year and study in a university there. Aside from the fact Bilbao is rainier than both Edinburgh and Belfast put together, I had the best year of my life and learnt so much about business in a global context. My Spanish is a little rusty now but I still know how to ask for a glass of wine and the bill(priorities!)
Since graduating in 2019, I’ve moved back to Belfast, worked in a gym, worked as an operations and marketing assistant and survived a global pandemic. Each job I’ve had and pandemic I’ve survived, has equipped me with relevant knowledge and experience for the next.
All jokes aside, I actually managed to complete my digital marketing course during lockdown one, so that should come in handy in my current role. I’m looking forward to applying what I’ve learnt up until now in this new role at Erudite, and most importantly, I’m excited to continue learning and developing on the job!
Hello, everyone - and welcome to my very first blog for Erudite! I am going to try my absolute best to not bore you all and keep this as light-hearted as possible (no pressure!).
The Present
Where do I start? I suppose an introduction would be good. My name is Aaron, and I am the newest recruit to Erudite! It’s been just over a week since I started my role with the company, and I don’t know who is more delighted that I was able to find a new role after being made redundant, me or my bank account!
As a Digital Marketing Executive, it is my job to create and deliver engaging content for our clients, managing everything from their social channels, to running email marketing campaigns.
The Past
I began my Marketing career with a year long placement at Belfast Telegraph in 2016. This placement taught me so much about the industry and I was lucky to work with some very talented people who guided me through (the sometimes scary) world of having a grown up job, helping me develop all the skills that I would need as a future marketer.
After returning to university in Liverpool John Moores & graduating with a first in my degree in 2018, I decided to move to Manchester before finally returning home to Belfast in January last year. Shortly after, I landed my first graduate job at the Abacus Talent Group. This employment was another where I learned so much, gaining experience in lots of different areas of marketing - from events to videography, and realising that I am so much more capable than I give myself credit for.
The Future
With those experiences under my belt, I am now very eager to see how I can apply everything that I have learned over the years into my new role with Erudite. I am excited to work with Owen to deliver for our current clients, and hopefully help attract new ones. And on a personal level, I am excited to see what new lessons I will learn and the new skills I will develop as I continue to grow in my marketing career.